Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Quiz: are you in an abusive relationship?

Whether it's physical abuse or emotional abuse is still overuse and don't deserve.

This is the second part of a series of training do domestic violence and abusive relationships. People often forget that manipulation, emotional and verbal abuse are still forms of abuse and should not be tolerated in a relationship. Read the first part here.

Last week I shared a story about a friend who is in a relationship emotionally abuse, unhealthy, and my attempt to help the emergence of this. Also, it is recommended that information of the House of Laura about how to help a friend who is in an abusive relationship.

I have of my training as a crisis in favour of certified domestic violence, more information about domestic violence and abusive relationships that I share in the coming weeks.

Some people may not even realize that they are in an unhealthy relationship. Why your listing of this quiz from the House of Laura:

(Answer Yes or no to each question.)

Before you have met your partner, you have more friends than they are now (by you or saw do more than you do now) used to be more outgoing and engaging with your friends, family or business unless you often to crying or very sad if your partner calls or texts, you must call the back immediately he said that I loved your early in the relationship is jealous when you browse or casually with someone of the opposite sex talk. He accuses your behaviour that actually doesn't do is aggressive in other areas of life. For example, this will open up holes in walls or toilet or throw things like angry. behavior often rough-houses or reproduction-struggling with you he makes excuses. for bad behavior or says that it is your fault. "has a" dramatic "life at home. He was physically or verbally I think parents who are alcoholics or drug addicts is an alcoholic or drug abuse, he often gives tips on choosing your friends, clothing and other decisions your offensive names. requests, and then laughs and says that only your plate or that you are very sensitive you secretive or have started lying to your partner after you started dating your partner you are very sad. When you are out of your partner need to explain yourself to your partner or you often say that your colleague excuses. more decisions he makes people afraid. by threats, harassing looks or gestures. your partner does not seriously your concerns or opinions. your partner threatens to kill too, if you leave them.

If you answered Yes, any of these questions, it is possible in a violent relationship. Please seek professional help or advice. A source is to call the service national national domestic violence hotline 866-498-1511.


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