Monday, March 29, 2010

Very old number of the day: 50 cents "allows you to me?"

Have no fear, thinking of you Vivica ...

Yes, this is an issue which I would like to answer ... because if not you need to think about for a long time to come.

As for Erik, Yes, he will have to be delivered, because as we all can be replaced.

50 cent has multiple styles and has a number of different hustles. If the clothing or rap game, movies, his hand is in every pot. Thus, it is not surprising if 50 flip style and gives us something to hear that this is not the route banger, talking about live daily hustle and bustle or slinging crack rock. Think about me a story about love is found and love lost. If someone who is in the eyes of public opinion has lived his life, you will be aware that any personal tonnes. we have someone who believed we wished to do so, and found that he did not love can be a saying that revenge. dish best served cold.

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