Monday, December 27, 2010

Fortunately, instead of you?

While clearly there is no widespread peace on earth today is, just a few hours last night was definitely my little corner of peace in the world. Baked with Greens on the grid, fireplace, the fountain with the dancing waters run the monologue, and I had the iPod to play soft music. This short time, I found a place of recreation and relaxation, shelter a favorite gift-my time with my husband. Suddenly, my attention was that the song is playing in the background. This is a song from the 1980s, "they know it's Christmas" a/k/a "Feed the world". Many of us remember that this musical event was a project to save starving people live in Africa. The crème de la crème of musicians and singers were to participate. I've heard words of that song many times, but for some strange reason, this time they caught my attention: "thank God it's them instead of you."Really? This is fortunately for them, instead of me is someone who is homeless, hungry, and suffering from diseases that are long, long ago taken? I was a little, thinking a conversation with God:

"Shouldn't we hope you will find freedom, peace and joy with us, instead of you and thank you we are here not the victim?" message reminded me of the words Billie Holiday sang in God bless the child.

The message also reminded me how often we hear or, better you than me, "when some unpleasant or, worse, a terrifying experience. As a defender of domestic violence-awareness, resonated within my soul, while reading or viewing a television broadcast coming from another attack of domestic violence, or God forbid, another murder, how often someone else take the same attitude: "Better them than I am." holiday season is a time of year when running rampant domestic violence. I hope that you will do all what it might be to just a few meters walk in shoes of the victim, and ask God that we can do to make a difference. We can pray ... for peace and security. Dare I think read this post, see wake up this morning, Christmas in a phone call you to tell your daughter, sister or mother to the hospital as a result of an attack by their spouse or intimate partner has haste. Many will wake up on Christmas morning, a huge hole in their heart – a gap which can never be completed because a loved both deep was Snatched from them much too early, and violent manner.

It is Christmas. The words sung in the heavens was joy to the world, peace on Earth and goodwill to all men. An unexpected combination of singers, David Bowie dumping Crosby increased as well. To watch the videos, click here:

Bowie & dumping-Little drummer Boy video

I've seen and experienced great despair and sadness this holiday season, but I pray everything can be that the real experience Christmas in their hearts. So, in the words of a Tiny Tim, my prayer is that the whole world:


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