Friday, December 31, 2010

Nothing is better than nonsense – a short message.

I know that the title reads in this way-"crap is the best". But that's not what it means.

There is a popular saying goes-"something is better than nothing."

And we all know what that means.

But have you thought of this-

There is nothing better than a day with something that RUBBISH (Abusive) is in your life.

The meaning of the words of nonsense-essence of little or no influence or utilities.

The meaning of the words list of abuse – dishonor, violate, to cheat, physical abuse, abuse of natural rights.

Actually abusing relationship returns the relationship as nonsense, if it is not worth, value or interest.


Nothing is better than in a "crap" relationship with a person who repeatedly commit crimes and hurts you.

Have no relationship is better than "nonsense" relationship with the person you love operates.

After marriage is no better than one with a spouse who is emotionally abuse you.

After marriage is no better than one with a husband who physically abuse you.

Many a times you can stay in a relationship than abused because you think it is safer to be beaten or emotionally abused in a "known" relationship than go for a new relationship that "unknown" and therefore unsafe. The fear of the unknown that prevents you from making a selection. That is why get stuck with says that something, even if they are insulting and hence nonsense, it's better than nothing.

If you've tried and tried and cannot be disabled in an abusive man your loving one and then it was time to move on. If you repeatedly misled, disrespected, humbled by your boy friend girl and it was time to end the relationship, or opt for marriage.

So I would say – not the relationship is better than a "crap-violent relationship.

This is a short message to all those people who decide to stay in abusive relationships.  It's time to change that.  It's time to break free!

EFT can help cure.

Here is an article about healing from an abusive relationship-

PS-Children be affected when a parent emotionally or physically abusive to the other parent.

View the original article here

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