Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Get Out of That Abusive Relationship!

Many relationships should not exist at all; I am talking about the ones where abuse happens. Does hearing about others that are in such situations cause you to look at your own life and worry? Have you ever been in a relationship in which your partner abused you in some way? Unfortunately some people are living in situations where abuse is part of their life. In most cases it is the woman that is abused but not always.

So how do people end up living under such circumstances; why do they stay in those relationships?

I doubt that anyone would deliberately seek out such a relationship. The fact is that the abuse is a process and becoming a victim goes along with the territory. When the line is crossed and one partner or the other is abused, the relationship should end.

Violence does not include respect. And respect is part of the foundation of a good relationship. But ending such a partnership is not always easy. It may be that the abusive partner is so violent that the victim is afraid to end the relationship for fear of something worse happening.

Some victims believe that an initial act of violence or abuse should be tolerated and reason that it will not happen again. And some victims believe that if they would not make mistakes they would not be abused.

But statistics show that in almost every case, the initial act of abuse is simply the beginning. The violence usually develops in stages and worsens over time. The abuse gets worse and happens more frequently.

Sadly, the victims live in their personal nightmare day after day. Friends and relatives are helpless in saving their loved one from the abuse, that is, until the victim decides that she (or he) has had enough.

So why are some people abusive to those they love? Some abusers have addictions to drugs and/or alcohol. Many are from dysfunctional families themselves. This does not excuse their behavior but it allows us to understand why and how it began.

However, abuse is never justified. If you see signs of violence or abusive behavior in your partner the issue should be addressed immediately. Eliminate such people from your life if they are not willing to get the help they need.

Perhaps you see yourself in this article. If you do I hope it is in the past tense. If you are currently in an abusive relationship please seek help now.

Whether you are being abused or you are the abuser, help is needed. Eradicate all negativity possible from your life and move forward in a positive way with positive-minded people. You will be happier and healthier.

Build a strong and healthy relationship from the start! Begin with friendship, patience, trust, respect, and understanding. The strength and commitment of the partnership will build over time. Learn more about creating a great relationship step-by-step and get a FREE report about relationships at: http://magicalmakeups.blogspot.com/

For more about romance & relationships visit: http://fitinsidenout.com/Romance.html

Debbie Allen is a relationship advisor, a writer, and an Internet marketer.

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