Sunday, January 16, 2011

Emotionally Abusive Relationship - Feeling Dead in Your Own Skin

There is a certain numbness that goes hand in hand with being in an emotionally abusive relationship. And when it's in your body, you know the death of your being... the stifling of your personality... the annihilation of your soul.

You know the experience oh so well, and you may even know how much you hate experiencing yourself in this way.

What You Don't Know About Your Abusive Relationship

What's confusing for most people in emotionally abusive relationships is how they love this person, how this person purports to love them... and how it is that this "love" leaves them so dead in their own skin.

Here are some insights to help you sort out the experience of numbness characteristic of living in an emotionally abusive relationship.

1) Your essence shuts down, feels lifeless... almost dead. Your sense of presence in your environment is wiped out and overshadowed by your mere holding your own. It's as though what's left of you after an emotional assault serves to wrap your wounded-ness in protective numbness to recover, or at least stay out of the line of fire.

2) Your intra-psychic and interpersonal uniqueness disappears and you blend in as though you don't exist at all. That which is uniquely you is put in check and left there indefinitely. You have no interest in sharing who and what you are. Your concerns are only to get through the nourish-less encounter with your abusive partner.

3) Your connection to the universal lifeline vanishes and you experience your penetrating isolation. You feel alone in yourself. You are detached from those around you, and severed from your inner center and alignment with the whole.

If you know this experience in any way, shape or form, you owe it to yourself to learn more about emotionally abusive relationships. Doing so will help you recognize how you've engaged in the status quo, how you can ultimately break the cycle of abuse and how to heal from emotional abuse.

For more information on emotionally abusive relationships, visit, and get Free Instant Access to your survivor success eInsights. Dr Jeanne King, Ph.D. helps individuals and families recognize, end and heal from emotional abuse. Copyright 2010 Jeanne King, Ph.D.

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