Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Abused women of Ministers

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A minister’s wife is absolutely the LAST person you would ever suspect was being abused.

“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; who substitue bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight.”  (Isaiah 5:20-21)

Women are battered every 30 seconds in this country physically, mentally, verbally and emotionally. And after years of enduring the abuse and hoping for a miracle, some of them are killed or they end up killing the abuser. But the absolute LAST woman one would ever think would find herself in an abusive situation would be the minister’s wife. Not only is she regarded as a “saint” but even more so, her husband is considered “perfect” in the eyes of his congregation, and society.

But the real truth is there are many minister’s wives who are being beaten, abused, and treated like scum by their pastor husbands and who are enduring a silent “hell” because to expose him would mean ruining his career, his ministry and destroy the faith of a congregation.

How does one explain that the man who preaches to them every Sunday about love, peace, joy, patience, endurance, family, children, and all the other morals of society that we seek to emulate, comes down out of that pulpit and goes home and beats his wife? Actually turns into a “monster?”

Hard to believe, but it is happening as I write these words. Because there are ministers out there who are Psychopaths, wolves in sheep’s clothing that the Bible warns us about. Pretending to be one thing, but they are actually just the opposite. See my article on
“Do you live with a Psychopath?”

It starts out very subtle. Most minister’s wives have supported their minister husbands through seminary, maybe even worked to put him through seminary, dutifully listened to him practice his sermons on her at home, worn the “many hats” that the congregation places on her head, like choir director, Sunday school teacher, youth director, secretary, President of the women’s society, entertained the parsonage committee, headed up Vacation Bible School, etc.

And through all of this, she is being called ugly names by her minister husband, like “fat”, “ugly”, “stupid”, etc. She could be being kicked, slapped, shoved, thrown, punched, had her life threatened, etc. all of this and more at home, behind the closed doors of the parsonage, and no one would ever know. Because they look like such a happy family at church.

She herself is having a hard time believing that this man who she loves, and who preaches God’s love, would hate and slowly destroy his wife. This is not what she thought being married to a minister was all about. And because she is very spiritual herself, and may even be a great student of the Bible, she believes that if she just tries harder, there would be nothing for her husband to complain about.

How does one endure a beating on a Saturday night and then get up on Sunday morning, get the children ready and then show up and sit in the front pew, right in front of the person who beat her, with a smile on her face, and have to listen to him preach his sermon on “How to love your wife?” When the reality is he just threw her down the kitchen stairs the night before?

How does she show up at all the hundreds of church functions acting as if nothing is happening? Does she wear long sleeves to hide her bruises? Does she show up in a neck brace one Sunday because her pastor husband threw her into a wall, but tell the congregation that her dog pulled her off her front porch?

Does she pray to God every night to help her to become more attractive to her husband? Or more submissive? Or does she ask God to change her husband?

Does she worry about what the congregation would do if she told them, at the same time realizing that they might not belive her?

Just exactly HOW does she sit in that front pew, smiling, responding to the sermon or the little jokes that her husband makes about her in the Sunday service, and not vomit as he reads beautiful scriptures about LOVE?

And what about the children? Do they witness their mother being abused, and then are they told to keep quiet about things? Do they have to “smile right along with her in church? Does she know that one day he will abuse the children as well if not already? Does she see that the children are becoming very cynical about a God who does nothing about changing their father? Just exactly what are they learning about God anyway?

And what does she do when her minister husband openly flirts with the women in the church and compliments them on how pretty they look, right in front of her, and then goes home and tells his wife that she is fat and ugly, even if it is not true?

And what does she do when she knows the community and the congregation will probably not believe her and rally around the minister? And how about the fact that if she goes to the District Superintendent or the church hierarchy and they don’t believe her?

Well, there comes a point when enough is enough. That time comes differently for different women, but sooner or later he will do the one last thing that breaks the final straw. That is when she ceases to be afraid of him. When protecting the children becomes more important than protecting his job, or the congregation’s opinion of him.

She realizes that “the pain of staying the same becomes worse than the pain of making a change in her life.”

And she comes to the point where his hypocrisy is more than she can defend or bare.

Does she get to the point where she hates him, and it makes her sick to hear him preaching from the pulpit all these platitudes as if he actually believed or knew what they meant, and she wishes he would die, or get in an accident, or never ever come home again?

Has she several times almost called up the district superintendent, or the bishop to tell them what he is doing to her, and then realized that they probably won’t believe her, but they will support him?

Does she get angry at God for allowing this to happen? Does she question God’s ability to protect her and her children? Or does she build up tremendous resentment towards God?

Each minister’s wife will have her own story to tell. Is her husband good looking, charming, have a real gift for gab, but is he the biggest hypocrite that ever lived, yet all the people in the congregation just LOVE him?

And how hard is it to open in the mail all those “thank you” cards from various members of the congregation writing beautiful words of gratitude and compliments to your husband about what a wonderful man he is, and how they could “not have made it through the funeral, or the wedding, or the accident or some other crisis without him?

Especially the little old ladies whose husbands he buried, and how about the brides he married, and the babies he baptized? It all seems so unbelievable that it has turned out like this doesn’t it? This man, who you believed in and loved deeply has now become your worst enemy. You are afraid he may actually kill you one day, because he has already threatened to.

Well take hope …. it can be done ….. God will do it for you if you can’t. He will get you OUT of that marriage with your soul and your children intact. But YOU must “let go” of the dream that your husband will ever change, or it is your fault, or you are too fat, or too thin, or not a good mother, etc. and all the other names he can think up.

Men who batter women are sick. Their problems have nothing to do with you and EVERYTHING to do with their childhood, their relationship with their parents, especially their mothers, and most importantly their relationship with God.


And more importantly, if you have a good relationship with God, hiding your husband’s abuse is as hypocritical as his hiding his abuse of you. You are not doing your children or the congregation any favors by allowing this to continue. Even if your husband has helped people in the church what do you think they would think if they knew that the man who married them, for example ALSO beats you? Would you want that type of minister to officiate at your wedding, your funeral, baptize your baby?

SOMEONE in the clergy family HAS to be HONEST for your sake, for the sake of your children, who are being abused everyday by having to sit and watch this “lie” that is in your home, and your marriage, and it is also giving them the WRONG idea of who God is.

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It is less damaging to children by providing them with ongoing spousal or partner abuse of divorce?

There is a new article on This article examines how abuse affects children negatively citing research indicating that stress a malicious neurotoxin during the development of the brain, the youth, the fathers impossible situation is when they are the target of an abusive female partner and weights and gender bias prevalent in family law.

Here's the link:

Courtesy, stress and abuse are neurotoxins: children who witness parental abuse danger

With appreciation

Dr. Tara J. Palmatier, PsyD

View the original article here

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Abusive relationships

Dating tips
Abusive relationships happen to almost everyone at least once in their entire life. Abuse takes many forms in a relationship and can be sexual, emotional, economic, psychological, physical, isolation, intimidation or threats. All of them, are subject to the victim, in an attempt to get him or her. It is important for the victims of abuse to know that this is not their fault, their abuse their partners since May that also confused and trapping. The partner in life to exploit them due to a problem of ego, among other issues that you may have with itself.

Abusive relationships is the kind of relations that lack of trust, respect and many a time lead to abuse. A healthy relationship promotes the well-being of the person and partners is solidarity. It is a pity that people in unhealthy relationships tend to feel like they because of their enormous interest partners abused. Many of these relationships are characterized by jealousy and believe that their partners really care for them and why I wanted to see other people. They do not understand this kind of obsession does not mean that love.

Another feature of abusive relationships a partner, the other control. This can be combined with infidelity, broken promises, extreme jealousy, sexual coercion and power plays. People in this kind of relations that have low self-esteem, because their trust under the violated by their partners. Always believe that it is not good enough and does not deserve to be loved by everyone. Also, many people feel that they deserve the abuse they suffer in the hands of those who is love. According to various studies, misuse have proved to be people who are very needy and therefore his control.

It is important for people to know the telltale signs of abusive relationships. This would fit better to deal with the obstacles that come with them. Partners who abuse alcohol or drugs can be potential abuses. The authoritarian and controlling behaviour often leads to abuse and extreme jealousy. Partners that others of friends and family isolate are the traces of the more and more abuse. Also quick tempered and violent partners are in most cases, abuse. Unrealistic demands sexual properties also show an increasingly abusive partner and if your immediate family has shown concern about your relationship, this clearly shows that there is a problem.

It is not easy to be an abusive relationship to tame and both parties should cooperate on this. Frankly, should open and display a willingness to look at. Among the recommendations is a treatment group that has helped many people get off the stage of denial. In cases where the abusive partner is not willing to change, it is important to detach itself from such a relationship before it even worse. Walking partners may be more furious and it's important for people to protect themselves, they can turn more violent as a form of revenge.

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Engines from

December 23, 2010 by starofseshat

Last night I dreamed my climbing through the woods a hill-top crowned with trees. I saw that the Earth had turned on light sand. Once you have exceeded your spikes both desire that I cried. There was a stone circle that I entered. What happened in one of the company, but if I'm outside of the circle that I proclaimed, "I choose life!"

The comedian Michael Kenneth spoke of a concert he North where a member of the public every stereotype of Yorkshire including flat CAP is filled. Ran on stage and MM yawped "," hulloooo, man stood up and said, "not for me," and to the left of the theatre.

Yesterday I had a similar experience when reading an account of a woman with a magical ritual sex. The least knowledge of something more that you can use the edges smooth with your imagination, your dream and fantasize that you excel, exceed and the aura of a person showed to be just what you know so little about.

There are huge differences between who you are, who you think should be, you want to be your life, who had not intervened … It is extremely annoying when exercising the necessity and the strength to keep bumping obstacles and wasting your time trying to be essentially red, the ocean so instead of learning to swim your sit and stare at the coast waves are willing to red before you ever step in water.

Some things just not for me.

I've annoyed reading how someone rejected ones did this tradition/path. had a condescending tone of this difficult path and these people a little-Oh how sharp is a small person, but the phone was much higher. I'm sure a few times in my life the same feeling my lips has passed and I must have sounded so much like a tosser.

In the eighties, postmodern relativism was all the rage, especially so when I social anthropology in the 1990s: what can properly studied in one culture could be wrong in another and vice versa – so there is an absolute moreleof is options and our social structures entirely dependent on the context? Sex with a young girl in a society considered as rape, another introduction is. .. The cloud is that relativism PM has a lot of things (which is good) deconstructed but leave us without the reconstruct tool slightly better.

In many ways, I think LHP remains deconstruction of ethics and standards, and I think that is good. However, I am starting to question where the world goes from there. With this I do not blame a group or a person. I mean my opinion that you have a lot to be deconstructed in me and my year or so of madness what's left of me to see how ephemeral personality deconstructed, our likes and dislikes and (especially) our moral absolutes in the head of a PIN change. under points (if internal borders fairly liquid) we can of the black and white there is no contradiction or an inner resistance to this false dichotomy.

But then what? This is easily just deconstructed (especially if you this trend anyway) after another such a barrel by the waves in the motor boat spiritual journey be renationalised. What is the hurry? The objective is the destination or the journey? Is always on the other side of the horizon of the Shangri-La? Or is here and now, engines, awareness-raising to receive extensive water and air, birds and fish, the coast and visible part of the machine but if you felt like the ocean lapping on the Earth of your lover?

Some decisions are taken. certain decisions. And you can use your mind-beware of the man who forbids you to grow, to change, and in order to investigate, insists that keep the same opinion, forever and ever.

© StarofSeshat 2010

Posted in abusive relationships, consciousness, body correction, yourself, linker path, Magick, LHP, love, meditation, adapted Magickians, path, paganism, philosophy, spirituality, witch, magic know | Tagged links path, LHP, Magick, meditation, deadly path, paganism, philosophy, Seshat, spirituality, witchcraft, witches | 1 CommentBe in this position, as the first.

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Monday, April 11, 2011


Richard Skeritt writes:

Is your partner a narcissist? You may not know how to say it, but worse, can thoughts that you are a fool. Narcissists are difficult to falsify our reality to the truth that they feel safer.

Someone preens for the mirror all day with admiration; NO! Ask yourself this: is deeply indignant everything that seems to imply that your partner or a fielding error might be?

I'll be anything, including their family, retain their own feeling that others see them as without any defects brutalizing Narcissists. Also, partisan and unreasonable Narcissists have sensitivities, sometimes the most minute comments connects with strong fears they will be treated as an error.

Narcissists will every muscle to meet their own "perfect" image, and sadness or to someone or something else to destroy doubts about this image tribe. If you use this dynamic in your partner, family member, partner or friend, you probably see less to cope with a narcissist.

Many of us have resulted in unhealthy relationships, because in the beginning, our partners, held up a facade. Many of us felt or thought I had met our soul mate. the perfect partner found. convinced that a particular person in the universe. Not surprising that could fall in love with someone like this!

Later, usually after we have a binding commitment as a marriage, or sometimes after the relationship changes due to what kids are born, a change of employment or other major life changes, our partner gives a completely different side. The person who ever was perfect can now be angry, demeaning religion; and demanding harsh criticism. When usually alcohol or drug abuse substance engaging takes a large stage, too.  We have deep feelings of someone for these actions is violent. However, it can still have powerful feelings of love drawing us in this person. Talk about being ripped off!

At some point, many of us to understand this situation must be changed, but are not selected. How can you love that attracts you to someone who makes abuse of you overcome?

While it is not possible to switch the feelings, such as a switch, you can learn to understand from where come the feelings and how our thoughts and then set the stage for new feelings for growth – Let's hope to someone who is better for us.

The really sad part is that our minds create these emotions, so we prepared to train in a relationship that meets the needs of our emotional, but same feelings will eventually locking us in again to mean a damaged relationship cannot fill only those needs! Such a staircase, that we need a new understanding for downloading.

Promiscuous people is not only sad. The spider also our reality to make them less painful. They project their problems to us and accuse us of what they are doing.

After a while it becomes difficult to distinguish what is real from what's to come and what would be upset. We will begin to doubt our reality and whether or not that mad.

Besides, the disorderly people very efficiently, hiding, concealing their problems of their disease than most people, causing further confusion.

The truth is, this is not correct. However, you feel better when they bear the burden of their illness and their behaviour.

This situation is complex and people have an idea of what to do now that I know this? "for most people, there are important values, beliefs and commitments should be carefully considered.

Abusive relationships are very sad situations and important decisions need to be resolved, then unresolved.

Tears and has a slight correction in a dark place. Written from the inside perspective of someone who has passed the hell of heavy emotional and verbal spouse, this book covers the key issues that we must tackle.

Tears and correction starts with the most difficult subject: abuse partners are constantly working to distort our perception of what is happening and what is right and wrong until we our decision much doubt not.

Then the process to find a safe place and display a sense of good and evil, and try to understand, as individuals, that we have in our lives – needs that often just need to survive in these violent situations aside to investigate.

It's about love and conflict in love with some sadness. And addresses the emotions of obligation are many of us, keep us trapped in situations that go beyond what a person needs to suffer.

As I said, dealing with the emotions of love a huge obstacle for many. My book and in his love and the beloved is – or not! , you can resolve these problems. Explains how and why we fall in love. What we can do to get out of love with some sadness. How can we make choices so they're more likely to fall in love with someone good for us. and how to love associated with the different actions of love, was chosen. Many of the people who will help to deal with situations of abuse need guidance.

Written by Richard Skeritt.


Surviving the storm-strategies and reality when a narcissist by Richard Skeritt. tears separate and healing by Richard Skeritt.


Contact us at to share your experience and healing, helping someone overcome their pain and living the life God intended to live.  LIFE AND LOVE EACH OTHER.

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A ride with Raven

January 1, 2011, by starofseshat

One of my new year resolutions (or revolutions as they say) is to run for a half an hour every day. A few times a week can pass without me to leave the House because of illness and work. Intentionally from a time versus distance, set very bad days-my few days can be a half an hour walk to the end of the road and back, and that would be fine as long as we can take them into account.

You've just got back from my first walk, and I personally an hour and quarter surprise walk. I spontaneously outside the dairy and kept thinking, only until the end of the field, only the tree, I wonder what is around the bend ...

I smoke wet earth, hear the slurp my boots in mud. I melt the blackberry bushes, dark and gray winter now, and I heard the Raven more and more from the field en and trees calls only circled and reinstalled.

I found a small beach where I all those years ago with the unholy monk had picnics. That it had received permission from his superior to the free afternoon spend in the city, and instead had come for me. The confidentiality of our relationship we walked through the forest and found this isolated beach ... Only two months later ran away together in Greece. I want the story had a happy ending but not started.

In bad times, I think this would be where the beach will I suicide. off the beaten path enough to let alone for me, it won't bother anyone, and somehow I feel like a circle completed ... But today, I received only pictures of the huge block of ice to grace on the bench, left over from the snow.

On my way back I was sitting there with my dad and his new wife Bank of the River. This watercolor painted. He's trapped. I wish I was alone. It was another woman who atistoichoyn crazy. described, but I don't know why obsession with me, my father was all they could to pull me back in their lives and prevent him from saving spawn. The only thing to break his focus was when he broke his neck by my father that Odin hanged on a tree.

So that makes me? The Wagner Brünhilde? No, I have neither the speckles busty chest plate. Or a Valkyrie, saw one of Odin's host, sometimes accompanied by the Raven much in hrs … the field is rooted in the dark, but with the eyes in the Sun. ..

© StarofSeshat 2011

Posted in a day in the life, abusive relationships, animal guides, consciousness, Banishing, yourself, madness, memories, meditation, spirituality, paganism, monks know | Leave a CommentBe the first I get this message.

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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Verbal violence in relationships and what it does and for the

Know YourselfVerbal violence in relationships and what it does and for the
By Barbara Rose, Ph. d.

I decided to include this chapter on the abuse, because most women "less than" more women who are not quite the sense feel, but broadcast or very sure.

Are You? This is to describe the most common forms of abuse, and point will ask you to write how you can relate. Write for a large part will help you see what you might prevent comes in wholeness. Hurtful words and behavior of the other can undermine your more than knowledge.

Maybe they are not for you now, but you have in the past. Perhaps you should abuse every day and you accept it because you think this is exactly how de Contrôle; It is. You can change the status quo a deep fear of being alone, without a partner, or material comfort or convenience, do you get of the Contrôle;. But the abuse in all its forms affects your self-esteem and confidence. Is poison for toxic for wholeness, radiance and deadly Supreme confidence.

Here are the signs of abuse. If you only know one thing: this is your chance to spot the signs and learn how to escape the abuse.

Oral, mental, and emotional abuse

Will guide you step by step so you can see how all forms of abuse can only undermine the wholeness, radiance and Supreme confidence that you really want to feel. It is my deepest hope that anyone who believes not only what I'm about to tell you, but you can also find the courage to take personal responsibility for your well-being at all levels.

Verbal abuse

Suppose that you have placed a couple of pounds, or even 20 or 30 and your partner makes a snide remark: "put some extra weight there, Hon. better to the gym." I note verbal violence. This doesn't feel good. Feel demeaning. When a comment is shameful, humiliating. And this is verbal abuse.

Make no excuses for comments. What you love "marks" that received more wrinkled, greyer, less toned. The list can be continued.

What matters is that you deserve to have someone in your life who loves and accepts you exactly as you are weight gray hair, wrinkles and all.

Now, suppose you say, "boy, I really win weight." and your partner, brilliant! "answers, but we all do sometimes. Love you for who you are, not the number on the scale. "This is an unconditionally loving partner.

See the difference? I could write a whole book about abuse, but I want to go directly to the point that you notice what abuse is.

Verbal violence consists of comments that lead you to feel "less than" Causing to have that sinking feeling in your stomach, the feeling of betrayal, pain, depression, sadness and pain.

When you notice that you being reactionary or otherwise abused, verbally – you, my dear sister, you have two options: (1) you can keep allow that to happen, and even less than I ever felt before. or (2) you can request the wrong person full stop. If he or she can stop, this is fantastic. If he or she does not stop, then we call up all your inner truth, all truly your feelings about verbal abuse every day received, and from the life of that person.

If you have any questions to the person to stop abuse several times and nothing has changed, nothing will change. A person who will not stop just because you ask again. Which gives you the ability to understand the way and can remain in the abusive situation seriously review their statements. Never abuse leads to take or tolerate, even for a few minutes.

Verbal attack comes in the form of snide remarks, put-downs, name-calling, derogatory comments, strong demands, control tones and harsh words.

If a woman who wants to feel fully and completely in, so your inner glow shows abroad, you can let the unlawful situation. There is no other way.

© Copyright by Barbara Rose, PhD-all rights reserved. CHAPTER excerpt reprinted with permission from the book know yourself: a woman's Guide to wholeness, Radiance and maximum confidence. (Team Rose, January 2006) ISBN: 0974145734

Know Yourselfimmediate digital download

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Domestic violence shelter for pets in Australia, but opens shelter for women suffering from domestic violence

There is a new article on It is an opinion piece of about a new domestic violence shelter for pets that just opened in Australia. Highlights the flagrant lack of domestic violence for men who abuse objectives of female partner and the absurdity of the financing services for DV shelter animals help human women and their children.

Here's the link:

Domestic violence shelter for pets, but not for women and their children: secure beds for pets

With appreciation

Dr. Tara J. Palmatier, PsyD

View the original article here

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Do you mind if I get serious?

So, I usually is kind of funny and light as your blog (I use joke light because if conflict means girl can attest, I seem to think that I'm much funnier than what other people think I am). But today is the birthday of sorts for me. And I believe that the exchange of information if I am going to share here today others in similar situations, so I can help not only to share my story in the hope that someone can help, but also a little shed light on good ' ol dysfunctional me up! Plus, they say that we are discussing here might help you recover it (I don't know what "" is, but I think it deserves a snapshot), so here I go. So, for new years eve/day, 4 years ago I left Mr. # 5 (which is seriously the nicest thing could ever call it, believe me). If you aren't familiar with Mr # 5, go back to the red flags that you want as quickly as the most likely! So, your dating Mr. # 5 for almost 2 years, and my daughters, and I have lived with him for the last 6 months we had together. Of course, Mr # 5 was an alcoholic. And a classic narcissist. I had no idea what a narcissist who was after him. Now I know this first hand. This usually happens with most women never understand how bad a relationship until after we leave. Why do this to ourselves? I mean, I can honestly say my English I knew Mr # 5 that was not very good for me that one day, but I knew that I loved him and that's why I felt that I had to try hard to make it work (hence with English). Looking back, my relationship with Mr # 5 is never healthy. I am convinced that we broke at least 8 times in 2 years. Was also egocentric and very, very cold timidity. How did you love? I'm not really sure, but I thought I was madly in love with him. That certainly makes me love to see all the signs until years later ... that is a hallmark of many women who have perfected, and one of my reasons for my history. So, can I babbled on and for long enough and have lost all yet? The short version is, therefore, that the 9 December, 4 years ago, the man I thought I loved, I pulled out of the car in the middle of the night in a fit of anger and me and my left side of the road. Omitting all the details (we can reach that blog one day ... maybe when I have more wine me) I came to the emergency room with my girlfriend with my wrist broken into two parts, sprained ankles and gravel embedded in my head. But the real lesson here is. ..That all of you listen when GYNAiKES doctor asked me what happened ...I said I fell on the stairs. We will always remember my face looked like my friends with the WTF Show. But if you are good friends, it remained silent. So, why, because my has hidden the truth? If I would have called the cops and then would be picked up and he would go to prison. It deserved. Definitely worthwhile. Hell, deserves more. But in my head, I thought, if I stay with him, I don't know anyone, because it will not accept my stay with him. Thus, it must have been established. Dom. Yes I know. Why would I want to stay with him? Well, honestly, this is the lesson that I hope that other women of me learning can talk about it. I thought I loved him and that is why I do (or tolerating anything) are together. Well, I won't bore you all dead, I make it better, that I left on December 31. And I've never gone back on the past. Of 4 years. Still suffers from nightmares and panic attacks. And I still think about what you did wrong (Yes, I have said what you did wrong, dom). Listen to girls ... no man worth your prejudice never, never to yourself, physically or emotionally. No man, no matter how much you love, it is worth staying with, if he's your face if you can't be valuable and important every minute of every day. I'm still single. I think it could be a single for a long time. And I'm satisfied with it. I've learned, better than where they were. And the real lesson that I want to share is that battered women and domestic violence not only something that happens in the neighbourhoods of low income and not just in some shipwreck of a family in an episode of Cops. This happens every day, for women who you probably know. Real women who have jobs and children, and women should be aware that there is no is nothing wrong with them, it's not, and need to know that they can get. If you're in a situation like this, or if you think this could come ...To find your strength strong … believe that you deserve a better home than that ... and get that. And get help! Your life again. Here's a new year girls! Let's go out and get what we deserve!

This is the first I wanted to this position.

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The spirit high-conflict: can a judge, but rather to distinguish and how it affects you

There is a new article on it explores the difference between the mind judging against mind sharp Makes the argument that many high-conflict and/or abuse personality-disordered people judge others according to their own inconsistent emotional States, but is not able to properly assess situations with a real sense and discernment. Also examines the consequences of this phenomenon, including Division (black and white/all-or-nothing i.e., thinking) and constant abuse targeted to individual partner high-conflict or anyone who criticises the individual challenges of high-conflict.

Here's the link:

High-conflict and abuse personality-disordered women: emotional brain vs. far-sighted thinking judging

With appreciation

Dr. Tara J. Palmatier, PsyD

View the original article here

Friday, April 8, 2011

Voices of violence video

Dangerous men can be very romantic at first. Sometimes, you can caress them gifts and pretend that I love. But I just end the honeymoon phase, begins to abuse: cheating, lying, manipulating, criticism and, often, and physical violence. Abusive men often suffer from incurable: personality disorders especially arrwstimenoy psychismoy and narcissism. I made a video to raise awareness for this issue, in my youtube channel, on the link below:

This video features paintings of the artist and social activist Michael Bell, from the series on domestic violence, called voices of violence, on the following link:

See the following Web sites for more information about domestic violence, personality disorders and are dangerous men:

More articles from this website:

My new novel about temptation, psychopathic the seducer, found at:

Website ofSteve Beckernarcissism and arrwstimenoy psychismoy:

and Sandra l. Brownwebsite for personality disorders and therapy Institute:

Claudia Moscovici, , January 6, 2011
Categories: psychopath, arrwstimenoy psychismoy, psychismoy, arrwstimenoy consciousness of dangerous relations, psychopathic temptation social predators, cat and mouse games, psychopathyawareness, charismatic psychopaths, Sandra l. Brown, bad people, dangerous men, arrwstimenoy psychismoy symptoms, personality disorders, domestic violence, narcissism, relationships, dating, relationships confusing, psychology, relationships, overcoming toxic seducer SeducerTo: a novel, psychopathic seducer, emotional abuse and emotional abuse, surpassing Steve Becker,, Tags: the seducer: a novel about psychopathic temptation,, Steve Becker, victims of domestic violence, Michael Bell, voices against violence,,,, voices of violence videos. Author: psychopathyawareness

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Another new year-you can make a difference here, now

The Prosecutor Carolyn s. Hennecy-

There Is an increase in the Sun this morning on this first day of 2011, and will now be set. Is a new year. This will keep? Change? Innumerable resolutions? Restored relations? Better economy? A closer spiritual walk? There will be no change in the blog of Carolyn here. This is a security.

I have done some introspection on and some inventory of what is happening in this blog and who may have to refresh or change. The decision to put this blog to fully in domestic/intimate partner violence, child abuse, sexual abuse and emotional well-being. There are more links in the list of topics in various magazines, to other websites and I will be a whole page short inspirational statements. It is my strong desire that others will take to check on this page for a little encouragement, incentives or a hand reached to lift you up to a higher position, place of hope, confidence, faith-what you might have even now by the days, that brings you a challenge. In the meantime, look for the upcoming changes! Many will be based on your suggestions and ideas. What would you like to see here? What do you feel helped more in the past?

While you're here, I encourage you to please rate each station that you can read and even if there is only one word, please leave a comment?! More input you can give, the more action is registered and that others may find this blog useful information you might have about violence or his/her spouse abuse, child molestation, etc.

Here is my commitment to those who visit here – will during 2011 a deep desire to reach the masses of the victims and survivors, help them to come out of the miry pit can be buried in, share information that could be their path to recovery emancipation, freedom, and a decent life.

I will also work after the completion of my next book. It contains stories of the survivors and other victims of child molestation, domestic violence, spousal/intimate partner violence, sexual abuse ... the list goes on. You have a life story to share? There is a time in the past that you would be willing to say in an effort to help those by what you did?

However, I can't without ESAs. You can do your part? Give me a shout, your thoughts and questions you recommend the book for the victims fighting the horrific problem making a decision to speak out, to break free.

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Thursday, April 7, 2011

The symplegades in my mind

January 12, 2010 by starofseshat

I'm not sure what happened in the past two weeks, unless it is "only" a natural fallout of Xmas, which is always a bad time of year for me.

Imagine floating in a bottle with barely enough air to breathe above. Everything is fine, as long as you still remain. But sometimes you become aware of the limitations of the bottle, the world apart from the bottle, the influences and the bottle with you in this starts to rock. water sloshes you air Chase with growing constantly feeling panic you actually drowning.

Breathe. Trust. Be calm. -Fight, fight and rage against the restrictions? Don't talk about me a guru of peace unless you have spent a night in my bottle, I also wonder, because if the "peace" that only forever trapped in the prison of glass means. If I'm calm and accept, if I can stop fighting and raging (however are harmful for me at times) then surely I will never break bonds, grow or is it free?

The way that I'm on the outside world, the profane respond, is a State of mind. The practice is easy to go from the tragedy in hilarity with only a thought. There are reasons for my irreverent humor.

I think the worst is that I'm guilty of recent incidents outside my bottle of observation, and thought I could control them-something I can affect another thinks or their development path, or correction. I accused of focused too much on other needs to focus and neglect of my own. That makes me sounds very "Christian", "global" – feels very debilitating illness who live in me, because my focus abroad, ignore the rules, the reduction of the other, I deny my self-phrase or dies with no hope of regeneration.

Perhaps it would be more accurate to describe the aqueous bottle as a matrix that you float up, watching and impatient. A megalomaniac baby (like all babies, convinced the world revolves around them and by them are observed), in the belief that this could be our friends in trouble help when they are not yet born.

And the fight? The fight? As an array, after fighting with my mother, relaxation and walls and protesting nomination my womb? I think I probably: less willing and more hateful to this limited world, Anima Mundi.

A contradictory desire the rest forever in the silent darkness of dreams of the matrix of light, and an instinctive need to continue to try to beat the symplegades my mind.

© StarofSeshat 2011

Posted in abusive relationships, consciousness, healing, illness, depression, know yourself, relationships, meditation, spirituality, paganism, witch, witchcraft | Tagged meditation, spirituality, paganism, magic, Seshat | Leave a CommentBe the first I get this message.

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Domestic violence increased by bad economy

By Robin Roshkind, Esquire, West Palm Beach, Florida

In practice I see many beaten and battered women and men ….  Domestic violence is committed by her husband and of women.  Oddly enough, there are some very aggressive women.

In any case, with the rise in unemployment, which hit 12% recently in the u.s. State of Florida, spouses heaviest around the House, … friction causes a man may be labelled as "lazy" or "value" caused severe reaction, resulting in a violent situation.

If you are an offender, and you know that you have a problem with anger management counseling before, escalated the situation.  If you are a victim, there is no need to take it anymore.  Late marriage Anon!  No one should fear of bodily harm.  For more information about divorce in Palm Beach County, call one of the lawyers on divorce in ROBIN ROSHKIND, p.a. in 561 835 9091 or click from the company website at for more information.

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Can't breathe

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Bring it!

I'm a fan Bears.  I wish I could but I am.  How I was brought up.

The bears fan is that in a violent relationship.  Keep my injured and my blow, and can even bring myself to leave.  Yes, I am suffering from "battered woman syndrome.

By any reasonable measure should the bears a cakewalk this weekend.  The only group ever in the play-off with a record?  But I had a sick feeling in my stomach on Wednesday.  I am absolutely terrified, because I am their shit the bed before seen.  during the Panthers ' 05 and ' 06 against the Eagles come to mind as recent examples.

Tomorrow so I will be locked up in my apartment, telephone, select sweating by another great game.  Waiting for my favorite bear to break my heart and my mind again.

I hope this year is that all changes in …

January 15, 2011
Categories: Redskins, NFL, football, abusive relationships. Tags: NFL, Redskins, tennis, abusive relationships. Author: singlewhitealcoholicseekssame

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Is a new year ...Divorce is not deferred.

By Robin Roshkind, Esquire, West Palm Beach, Florida

With the new year just started, and during the holidays, now it's time to start thinking about your future.  If you are in a bad marriage for a while, then perhaps it's time to do something about this.

Verbal abuse, physical abuse, money problems, lack of familiarity, are all reasons to go and a new relationship to find and recover from your.  If you are thinking about divorce, here's the original Checklist:

1. gather all financial documents such as tax returns, profit and loss accounts, clippings, credit card, bank accounts, accounts of the European Parliament.

2. all documents such as title deeds, car titles, titles boat gathering.

3. for the collection of all loan documents, such as mortgages, credit, auto loans.

4. all valuables such as jewelry, artwork, piano, silver photography.

5. the concentration of all insurance documents.

Armed with your store "ammunition" in a safe place, which is likely to be your divorce law firm.   For more information about these or other matters relating to divorce, call one of the lawyers on divorce in ROBIN ROSHKIND, p.a. in 561 835 9091 or click from the company website at for more information.

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Dr. Barbara Sherry Rose Audio series

Essential Higher Consciousness


Special seminar intensives recorded LIVE to listen anywhere, anytime.

Rose Group LogoSorry, couldn't read the content online here.

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Author and life coach David Lamoureaux launches a new Blog

Why what I do

As an author and life coach I am dedicated to helping others that abusive, alcoholic, non-supportive or dysfunctional family relationships have experienced. I think previous experiences help who you are, right now, but they do not define you. So many of us struggle with patterns in unhealthy relationships we have from our childhood and sometimes unhealthy, these patterns are true fulfillment is an obstacle in our lives. My goal is to personal development tools for anyone of any age who live in a dysfunctional or abusive environment lived instead of both the suffering and pain that we can learn for recycling of our past, discover our splendor and pleasure.

This blog was created as a place for me to get my ideas, thoughts, exercises, resources and inspirations in the hope that further stimulated, encouraged and strengthened by the knowledge that your past your part, but not all of you.

I would ask you to join me on my journey of healing, learning and self-exploration. I'm glad you're here.

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Monday, April 4, 2011

Get through the holidays and enjoy them without your abusive Ex-girlfriend or wife

There is a new article of the Kev. who offers tips on how to overcome the Christmas and holidays and other special circumstances without your abusive ex and how we can enjoy them again.

Here's the link:

After a violent relationship: running over Christmas and new year holiday without

With appreciation

Dr. Tara J. Palmatier, PsyD

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Words to hurt ...

Mental or emotional abuse is something that is often overlooked or minimized. In fact, there is a high risk of getting in an abusive relationship. It can go to all or some of the following: manipulation, the other person, blaming put downs, using financial control, using children or their position in the Middle, threats, intimidation and the silent treatment.
If you are one of the above, says that you not only in this State or in pain.
Here are some common red flags:

1. red flag "crazy feeling"
It is common to feel that your "crazy", slavery or just some confusion about whether something is that your own fault, or if you did or said something wrong. The emotional abuse, the other person is usually the responsibility on you or accept responsibility for behaviour there.

2. red flag "feel isolated"
Emotional recovery often try you isolate of family or friends. They can do this by saying that your favorite bad for you. Do you find yourself feeling like you need to explain yourself when you have or you talked about, even if you think that you don't have done something wrong.

3. the red flag "that feeling less than" or that it is never good enough
Abusers often have a false sense of superiority. Perhaps constantly better or more than you know. Insist on the fact that there are no correct answers, or that it is morally and ethically above others. This can leave you feeling less inadequate or incomplete. In fact, it's common for abuse to make others feel better.

4. the red flag-the sense of "controlled"
Detoxification is often jealous of early in the relationship. May feel uncomfortable or threatened by other relationships and feel great discomfort, when speaking to other men or women casually. There may be complaints or fighting around the facts that actually are good. You can feel that you need to explain yourself.

5. feels like your "rights" are not important
Detoxification is often indifferent to your rights or feelings. If the wrong person dating, you find yourself asking whether it was good to say no, it was okay to take a NAP or if it was good to say a few words.
Abuse your dissatisfaction in the country and make your issue is not the love, affection, respect or the fee they need or want to take. As a result your rights or needs or wants a municipal land.

6. feeling-red flag that that relationship is quick, or deep or pressured
Together with the red flags are abusive relationships also part of fast-moving and profound. This factor may feel initially exciting and intoxicating.

It is important to note that the honeymoon is also part of the circle. The honeymoon period of confusion because people often find themselves in the hope that their partner in this place, kindler gentler remains.
Abuse characteristics are often hidden appointment during the game and therefore is more likely to fullforce after a relationship has hardened.

It is more important to be safe to keep yourself, yourself, confidence to stay connected, or connect with things that are most important to you
in your life. Connected to your own true continue will give you the clarity you need.

Lawyers Lockhart Delaune, LCSW

Lawyers Lockhart Delaune is licensed clinical social worker in private practice in the greater New Orleans area.

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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Our modest return

03 Jan 2011, of lostintranslation11 abuse, anger!, begin, broken heart, children, choices, daughters, Dave, Ex, life, life lessons, d., mark, move tags: abuse, abusive relationships, blessings, broken heart, DAVE k., disappontment, storing, gratitude, life lessons

I do not know where or how to restart this blog ... However, I know that unless "I", my random pieces – pieces that I love your songs, the origin and any other element in the Middle – will just start to float a gigantic black hole of nothing. And it's like it never happened. maybe even if you did not yet exist in these boxes. Simply, there will be a long frame of life and action, empty of humanity ... filled with nothing but the space around humans: a whole section of a movie void no activity or characters. photographic "yet" shots are performed sequentially, without humanity be appointed.
Once you have returned to my house, that never was. I'm happy to do so and for a moment there, circumstances and events which all pointed to the possibility that they never an unfortunate weakness. So, I'll be back with gratitude ... Gratitude that I had a place to "back" as my gratitude that mass got the ability and resources against the chance to do this in reality.
With the city of sin I lived in a beautiful house with Jasper the cat and my two daughters. We lived about ten kilometers from the children's father. We could go on and for the excellent points our short stay. It was certainly not as terrible, as could be. However, was the father of my children are not the same person you thought was for many years. It was cruel and abusive. What started as addressed to me, it was frustrating and unpleasant and shocking and unwarranted. Shortly after I realized that I was treated like the unwanted step child, I realized quickly that this was not to stop with me. Daddy began late towards our children-the very children who "was moved to tears" that they will live close to him. Will that even I thought it would be workable, as my faith in human beings had come to believe that he was the father. However, when we the flagrant disrespect and dis my sympathy with the treatment of children, our children combine, very quickly I realized that I was powerless to protect my children the same treatment. Without mutual respect our previous relationship, my attempts to intervene on their behalf only led to more huge arguments lack of respect, greater indifference and treatment while … and deteriorated.
I would like very grateful that my children have never seen or heard parents support and grateful that she had no idea of how terribly rude father was capable of treating the mother. After all, this was the reason that these children had never lived in a State of "nuclear family" . I decided when I still babies prefer to grow up in a single mother dysfunction, than with the kind of environment that was their parents who live together as a family exhibit. My choice about the country in order to enable more contact and proximity with their father to move is entirely based on the enormous changes that you had made for himself, his life and character of our early days. Proven, however, that the baby only postponed their exposure to these things for thirteen years and then immediately moved directly into the line of fire to around the very way of life you so proud and wild had protected as.
So, I would like that survived from experience this as their only experience of life up to this point, I understand that some children have ... However, I do not have. I'm mad as hell that I made this choice: mad at me and furiously angry with their father! I don't have such faith and trust in him, my children very well could go their entire life without knowing about any personal level the kind of person the father could be ... and often is. But now they know. And even my efforts with events colors fell into my pink lipstick eyes now too old to fall for these scams. It wasn't long after that I ran, we smoke and mirrors and credible explanations for behaviour.
My gratitude is only now that I was able to successfully remove us from this situation. Not without massive loss ... We had no other choice than to leave our stuff there and leave you with only a few suitcases of clothes. We are satisfied with the Exchange that we thought we could lose our home that if we these things behind. However, when the wrath of our choice to leave the determination of (and more importantly our of "energy"), chose to our House of us anyway. So we returned "home" homeless. To add insult to injury, "Papa" also decided to ask my father to warn and threatens him to not "helps us in any way," claiming that it was for our own good "suffer the consequences of our actions" hasty and ill-considered "; never again threatens to offer support or assistance, either in person or two children as my father chose to help us in any way. Add to my father who each kindness can give us will be held (by us), as had every previous kindness. "Papa" was my father, and our two children and me very insulting.
I am very grateful that my father does not take account of these threats or warnings and chose to help us anyway. Fortunately, put together your own until we get back to a safe environment, and we were fortunate to stay with my father for a few months until it could find a place for us to live.
And we're not at home ... with a common desire to never again abandoned. You will not lose my things much ... my clothes, my furniture, even my precious life. What I miss the innocence profound are my children? beautiful faith in their father, our respect for him as a good man – these are the things I miss the most is that after all this destruction, fear can never be replaced or reset.
See here for my blog, that a few months ago, I thought the pain really the worst thing that has been a heart could have been repeatedly broken and destroyed courtesy of Dave k., I understand now the terrible consequences that even that is not to compare with the fear of seeing your children heart breaking and to know that you are weak to ever restore or to soothe their pain.
I have the most amazing and wonderful children who could have every mother, and the blessing of the angels of my father that we are in desperate need. I am full of gratitude.

This is the first I wanted to this position.

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Will not back ~ courage to end abusive relationships

Years ago, after standing up for himself, during a confrontation with sadness presence in my life, was a sentence said unto me that my deleting it from my life, "be careful what you burn bridges ..." I would like to remind you when I found how retort, if that person is willing to come to me an evil that would be my drive back to their door. So it was, however, the character of the person and the reason for the parting ways. Currently, brushed off the comments and went from the meeting, didn't give much thought until a few days ago, when the same wording to a friend of mine who a similar moral stand received said if I want my friend omstandighedenin a little courage, self-esteem and confirmed the broke ties with those who have long been mentally, and emotionally abuse towards him. He gave me this moment measurements define in his life and ultimately saying that he had said, "Watch" what your burning bridges. and this that I felt compelled to share with him some conclusions had come at the time I burned my bridges heard. "Keep an eye on what you burn bridges because it back this way again someday move can. "was the phrase that I said unto those who have chosen to break links with long time ago. When I heard this phrase, I remember that there are people who make their decisions based on easily-what is the "easiest" route for the long term. And then there are those who make decisions based on what you need to improve the overall prosperity, regardless of any reactions that as a result of their hearts can occur. what the person said to myself I couldn't understand is going on decades of painful sorrow, arnithikame, with my behavior, there is something that can never in my life to me back to them. When supported me deserve — their Declaration of independence from me and say "well, you deserve to love and more abuse!", I actually had "burned a bridge" still destroy this bridge was in a way to my determent policy. As the bridge burned one life end — a painful life — the way for a revival to occur which will grow and give my freedom of choice to respond to this sentence, when it was first was pitched on me based on my not wanting to continue the endless cycles of discussion going around with the person that I had already enough to lose my life. I reach that point when I was pretty sure that he himself-my options? I knew that there was never a chance that my reasons for validation for me to come to breaking with them (if they could ever take my wealth, my reasons for separation ways would Mute.) is not a real echoed verwijderenWanneer: sometimes you need to burn the bridge so that the devil did not follow us there are toxic when people in our lives that our enormous damage without ever care enough about us to see the damage that they hebbenNiets binds us to those people. Nothing obliges us to keep these people in our lives, no blood or marriage or any kind of faith. Where love is absent from a relationship with all its bonds to be solved and we need for the preservation of our life and health of mind/heart. There are those who deliberately choose to hurt us? owners don't love in their hearts to us, and whose presence is always our grief. People who don't see defect in their actions and therefore no remorse, and therefore no reason to change of their treatment of us feel.  These individuals should be assigned by the interests of our prosperity, regardless of what Earth means only venturing into the unknown. And, I say unto you, when we the limit of what you put in the hands of these toxic basis can bring, they are not afraid of the light that torch. An end to the abuse. Claim that love mankind and burn the bridge and you deserve. __________________________________________________________________

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Saturday, April 2, 2011

DARVO: Refuse, and reverse attack victim and offender

There is a new article on offers with DARVO, a phenomenon that in abusive relationships, when a spouse or a friend, who tries to keep occurs the wrongful abuse spouse or girlfriend responsible. Instead of the company responsible, abuse woman refuses the abusive behaviour, blames her husband and then makes itself a victim. The station also offers tips on how to protect yourself from it.

Here's the link:

Presto, change-o, DARVO: refuse, attack, and the victim and offender

With appreciation

Dr. Tara J. Palmatier, PsyD

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Friday, April 1, 2011

Learn now!

So, when everything will be there and say that I really don't like to men too. In fact, I'm pretty comfortable in saying that I hate them. Now there are all essential. If you knew me, you will not be blamed for feeling that way (see your account if you are seriously). But here's the problem. I would really love to find another day. And I would really be a satisfactory, long term relationship. So, how the past behind them and all the pain and learn to leave to just to look ahead.

I'm good at pretending that I'm curious. Your smile, laugh, and I know that your work really nobody know what happens. Pain, anger, fear ... I have anger? I think it may be the most important thing to let the anger go. ... And I'm not necessarily angry what happened to me in the past, or the lost time I spent with men who are not only not really me, but I treated as shit. Because I think that I am who I am today, I am just because experience in the past have had. And I think my wish. Myself I love me so much better in my 40 with's 20 with me. But ultimately, I think that's not really say much because I don't have my back than wanted.

Here is what angersThelw me … the bad men from the past can hurt as much as I did. My head, I have created this image they get along just fine. That their life so hunky dory (love that Word) and which are not older pain or any remorse for their deeds and so just feel both their lives contently. Now, reality check …I know that this is not the case. Get the first hand, I know that Mr Douchebag # 5 by means of an important legal issues now will be. So his life cannot be large, right? But that does not satisfy me. I wish to hurt. I want to go to jail. I read every word on the matter of minutes for the following process and makes me angry. As I just read that they are more likely to give you a call. And that me furious. I want to in prison. For a long time. This is a very big boy … that kids will love it. But actually I feel better? Why can't you just leave now it came to pass? Why even thinking? Why monitor event (one of these days, we will share what is on trial, a very scary)? I know that you will find it more satisfying to me as I am about forgetting it when I hear that you go to jail for 20 years. So why can't I do myself?

I haven't blogged for a while and I'm not sure what you want to another on this issue tonight. Rather because I went on another date. The doctor (the same weekend). It is amazing. In one, as amazing as it may be a good guy, what concerns me, kind of way. And I feel like it has potential. For the first time four years (by Mr. # 5) I feel like a man potential. But I'm afraid it will hurt. Because you just can't let the past go.

How do I start healing? How do I start my life again? I suppose I never really have lived my adult life by some kind of abuse is physical or produced ... so how do you even know how I can have a normal life? How can I learn like décède ... and most importantly, how do I know if I get enough to get myself to be loved and cared for, by a man. I do not know how to do it. But I really want to learn!

Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged abusive relationships, anxiety and panic attacks, dating, domestic violence, dysfunctional relationships, healing after abuse, relationships, single mothers | Leave a CommentBe the first I get this message.

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