Sunday, August 7, 2011

Deal with the guilt of leaving an abusive relationship

Time to leave?

Debt– what a powerful weapon when used against victims of abuse of the husband or domestic violence. This can be expressed in so many different directions.

The victim must deal with the debt for dissolution of a marriage or a close relationship, possibly separating family. Children will lose a year with their father. How their lives will probably change at a time. The days of taverns for a painful along with designer clothes and cable television. Such disruption around the life of all, that will be the fault of Mama to exit of father? Mommy wondered if this would reproach to children of screwing their lives. Mama feels guilty. If children Mama verbal, emotionally or physically abused witnesses or hear what happens? I guess that just maybe that some negative influence on their lives — results achieve much more than loss from the pair of Nikes or a game for X-box.

What if dad should be removed from the House? There is total, "I can't let my children by the police who take their father away from home, see the section" the issue of the debt. If law enforcement must be called, is the likelihood of children who have experienced physical violence is very high. God forbid, let us hope and pray will not be physically abused or violated, but still, they have all his victims so well. So why the guilt for the removal of the offender?

There is the question of the debt of the failure. "I failed to keep my marriage". Well, my friend, not look now, but it takes two to make a relationship, and it takes two to. So, when a spouse abuse and the victim of abuse bravely choose to remove themselves from the relationship, you've both made choices and decisions. A wild abuse each other. We chose to put an end to the abuse. What part of that is a failure?

How often I deal with the guilt of knowing that growing hatred in my heart where love used to live in? Not only was I come to a point of my husband despises also had fallen into the chasm of self-melancholic hatred. I didn't know who hated most — or myself. Was a Christian. Christians are not supposed to hate, we need to love at all times. Not as a Christian, so of course the debt was enormous.

Then comes the greatest of all sources of debt — I broke the vows of marriage. If I had a dollar bill for every time I heard, "God hates divorce" allowed that cause me to remain in the abuse, will be a rich woman blogging here. Maybe you need the script, the full and effective translation read. The message is that a spouse is not abused for the treatment of his wife, and God hates divorce resulting from such abuse. But he hates the abuse, and should not be accounted for.

Most pastors begin to speak about this topic that domestic violence is another way to break the marriage Covenant. I hope with all my heart the increasingly houses of faith worked will start for the victims, giving them the support that cry, in any form or fashion they need. Victims of abuse are looking for a safe place where you can find the spiritual support and loved it. It also followed an emotional and, Yes, even at times, financial support.

Could be wrong, but I think I am. It is the responsibility of the Church, to cover these needs much more than it is the duty of the Government. The reality of life is that religious facilities usually no experience with the study and practice of the domestic violence assistance or advocacy training. I look forward to the day when we have houses of worship that serve the education and knowledge about how to Minister to all kinds of support to victims of sexual or domestic violence have, without a stigma on the initiatives that contribute to elevate. Probably, and hopefully that will the paths to healing empowering victims to survivors and then abuse the victors. There is a strong possibility that this may require a cooperative task based on the faith and/or secular organizations such as the Family Justice Alliance of NCADV, who have successful programs that these purposes have been developed.

I think there will come a day when houses of faith will bring solace and comfort to all victims, both within and outside the walls, giving them the love and respect, but especially the support of our Creator is designed from the beginning.

View the original article here

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