Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Warning-Signs of Abusive Relationship

The signs of abusive relationship are hardly recognizable at the beginning. Often, the symptoms are dismissed as something that is a result of a stressing day at work or a wicked encounter at the street. Besides, maladies such as this attack in sheer subtlety that no woman will ever have the opportunity to admit earlier that the threats are indeed real.

And there is really a big problem when women barely give an attention to the signals because it will surely lead to a nightmarish experience. To prevent the rate of women who have had assaulting partners, here are the telling signs of abusive relationship every woman must not fail to notice.

When a man deliberately attempts to degrade a woman's personality and self-worth it must ring an alarming bell. No man in his right mind will ever intimidate a woman through verbal abuse and emotional rape. Such men, according to psychologists are products of a past abuse that the sickness dwells within them. As a result, such men are subconsciously driven to dominate the relationship in the most unpleasant ways possible.

When the reason behind intimidation is that a man does not want to give a woman the chance to stand on her own and have the spirit to be courageous. Because when that happens, women would not be afraid to get out of the relationship and leave a man behind - that's a tell-tale sign.

What makes it even harder to deal with is that such men are adept at mustering a good image, and are constantly heroic in mien. While those men appear calm and gentlemanly in front of others, what happens within the relationship is entirely the opposite. Isn't it a torture to have a man that is warm towards other people but cold, indifferent, and disrespectful to the partner?

So when a man provides emotional turmoil, physical injuries, and withholds affection such as love, care, and passion - please, sound the alarm for the signs of abusive relationship, because it's valid, believable, and alive in the relationship.

Hi, my name is Emeka Ezidiegwu and I have more detailed information about this topic on my blog. Click ==> here to visit my blog through relationship tips link or love heart link to learn more.

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