Monday, August 8, 2011

The 10 Tell-Tale Signs That Your Daughter is in an Abusive Relationship

How do you know if your daughter or son is in an abusive relationship? Deep down inside you know your relationship with her has changed. What puzzles you is how and why...

Here are some tell-tale signs that she is in an abusive relationship.

1) You feel her pulling back for no apparent reason.

2) You are given excuses rather than contact.

3) The door to her home and her life is closed to you more often than not.

4) You see her awkwardness when she delivers directives that appear to be the wishes of her partner.

5) You observe her to be less of herself in her partner's presence.

6) She projects a presence of "being enlisted" rather than being herself.

7) Her happiness is very much tied to her being and doing as her partner wishes.

8) You notice she makes excuses for his behavior.

9) It's apparent that her interest in protecting her newly found shrine exceeds her desire to be your family.

10) Your grandchildren are protected parties, rather than your flesh and blood.

Your adult child's marriage was expected to enhance your family, not diminish it. You wonder what you can do and how you can penetrate the barriers put before you.

If you are the parent of a daughter or son that appears to be involved in an abusive relationship, don't throw the baby out with the bath. And don't become a bull in a china shop.

By this, I mean don't give up hope of having her in your life and you in hers. And don't boldly confront your suspicion, as this will strengthen the wall between you. Seek professional help to guide you into and through what challenges both of you.

For information about helping your daughter or son in an abusive relationship, see Stop Abuse before it spirals out of control. Dr. Jeanne helps individuals and families recognize and end intimate partner abuse. Copyright 2009 Jeanne King, Ph.D.

Dr. Jeanne King, Ph.D. - Domestic Violence Prevention and Intervention

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