I decided that the official food of my blog graham crackers.
Brookelyn always gave me a Graham cracker in history. History was also the period that I got most of my entry was issued. So, this really only makes since ...
Plus, it's really tasty grahamcrackers: 3
And you can participate in the s'mores: D
It starts a 5 week training to lose weight fast c:
I found that at the age of 40 ish should be tested for a very difficult disease.
Constantly afraid friend now for me. I'm still not even 20. I have some time. I suppose it just like the idea.
However, the only way to get it if you don't I would myself. This disease is called metabolic syndrome. And of course enough symptoms. If you can get a lot of weight and you have diabetes, you're pretty much risk.
And I think that makes it a good reason to stay fit and vegetarian!<>
What do you think?: 3 I really enjoy playing nerdy and PocketFrogs until like 3 am is just as I angry birds. But it is much more fun, and you really can't beat. Plus it is not violent and not swine or exploding birds injured in the process. : D
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Graham crackers<3></3>
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Weddings = magnets drama
My cousin (or something), Daniel, married the beautiful Kelsey on June 17,2011. The marriage was very nice. A downside.
Papa shower kind of made it all about him. The formula always talk and always found a way to include himself in the process. He had written a song for Kelsey and, Yes, it was fun but had such a big ego that kind of lost appeal.
Most of the children playing with these balls really strange gelatin type. It was strange and liquid. (Ignore the last two sentences)
The garden that the marriage took place in was beautiful. There was also a cute cat walk around randomly. So, certify brownie points. : 3 were also nice canolis ... (I'm a fattyyyyy)
Anyway, I would like to tell you all something. I FREAKING CHIMEIAS. I took a 73<>
Oh my goodness, I was delighted to get!!
I hope you're proud of me.
I'm leaving for Joplin quickly, but you lose two month with my boyfriend<3… i'm="" leaving="" the="" 27th="" and="" our="" monthaversary="" is="" the="">3…>
I was pinky swear that are we going to do something horrible in the second I got back. Any ideas?
On the friend, allow me to borrow an from the books by Dean Koontz ... It is very good, writes in a very interesting way: 3 (not as good as Bram Stoker … but it's good) I suppose I would recommend (:
I love you guys, hope you can keep reading.<3>3>
Damaging Relationships - 3 Signs the Relationship Should Be Over
Relationships are challenging even when both parties are healthy and well balanced. A successful relationship in this case can be achieved through effort and commitment on the part of both parties. There are relationships, however, where no amount of effort on your part will prevent the damaging effects of staying with your partner. There are toxic scenarios where the best thing truly is to end the relationship. Here are 3 signs that your relationship should end:
1. There is abuse in the relationship. If you are being physically abused, please contact a domestic violence shelter or a counselor who specializes in that issue to get advice. Physical abuse typically escalates, and the most dangerous time is generally at the time of leaving the relationship. You will need guidance on the safest plan for exiting your particular situation successfully. If you are being put down, made to feel inferior, incompetent, or crazy, there is a good chance you are being emotionally or psychologically abused. In this case, the effects may not be as outwardly noticeable, but they are extremely damaging. Loss of self worth and depression frequently results.
2. There is untreated, active addiction in your partner. Your partner, if actively using drugs and/or alcohol, is not fully present in the relationship. The substance will always win out over you, and you are likely to end up in a cycle of crisis management with your partner that may leave little mental energy for you to focus on your own life, dreams, and ambitions. You may be impacted by legal and financial trouble if your partner ends up prosecuted or sued for behavior while intoxicated (like a DUI). You may even be in physical danger if, for example, you get in a car with your partner who has been using, and you have an accident.
3. Your partner commits serial infidelity. It is possible for a relationship to become stronger after an affair, if both parties are willing to work hard, open lines of communication, and be accountable to one another. However, if there is a pattern of unfaithfulness, there is no opportunity for trust to be rebuilt, and there is no foundation for a relationship. In addition, you place your health at risk by staying in a non-monogamous relationship.
Are you interested in addressing your life challenges from a holistic standpoint, assessing the physical, emotional, and relationship components?
For a free copy of my ebook, "Natural Methods To Fight Depression", click here: http://www.stoptoxicrelationships.com/gifts-naturalmethodstofightdepression.html
Shannon Cook is a personal growth and relationship expert who has written a number of informative articles and ebooks on the topic of toxic relationships and holistic personal growth, including physical, emotional and relationship health.
Controlling Relationship - It is Important to Realize This is an Abusive Relationship
A controlling relationship can have a huge impact on your life. It can limit you in so many ways and you end up feeling stressed, unhappy, and depressed.
It is important to emphasize this type of relationship comes into the category of an abusive relationship. This needs to be stated as there are many people who would not realize this.
When you know this, it is vital to examine the primary components of an abusive relationship and see how this relates to a controlling relationship.
Firstly, it means the controlling behavior is a way of dominating and holding power over the other person in the relationship.
It is usually the man who acts in such a way as this way of being tends to flow on from a belief that men are in charge in relationships and leads to a controlling relationship.
Taking on the aspect of being in charge follows from the commonly held belief, that men have a superior status or position and is seen as a way of supporting a controlling relationship.
Many men take on these beliefs because, not surprisingly, we are instructed to think this way, and encouraged to develop personalities where we dominate, leading to controlling in relationships.
It is even suggested this dominating and controlling behavior, that a lot of men display in relationships, is explained in such ways that it is due to their disposition, character, personality, makeup etc.
The only conclusion you could draw from such explanations about a controlling person in a relationship, is, that this is to be expected, and has to be accepted, and allowances need to be made.
There you are!! If you are experiencing signs of a controlling relationship, I'm sure that makes you feel a whole lot better and you now know how you can lead your life!!
Only kidding!! However, one does hear such things as women have to recognize how different men are from them, and the way to deal with some issues in relationships, is to make allowances for the controlling in relationships.
Before proceeding I need to say that these days we often hear such things as women in relationships can be as controlling and dominating as men in relationships.
My response to that is - poppycock! That is nonsense! I will acknowledge there are exceptions, but there is no comparison.
Throughout the world every day, women are killed, raped and live in fear. The culprits are the men who are their husbands/partners/boyfriends, who have been dominating and controlling them in their relationships.
Statistics tell us that 1 in 3 women throughout the world is subjected to abuse in their relationship. This is a huge problem and very little is being done about it.
I believe if we can find solutions to this dominating and controlling behavior in relationships, we can change the world and I want to be part of that process.
In fact, I personally think there is a solution to a controlling relationship. The issue is, for this to happen, men have to be open to the process, a lot of men are not.
Unfortunately, as it stands, with this dominating and controlling behavior in relationships that is widespread throughout the world, it is a lose/lose situation for everyone involved.
The solution that is available is a win/win for everyone. One of the things that gets in the way is the view that is very common and that is everything is a win/lose. That is if you're not winning you're losing.
In other words if men are caught up in dominating and controlling in relationships, they can think that if they are not doing that, then they are going to be dominated and controlled. It is like everything is a competition, and there are only winners and losers.
Are you ready for the solution - drum roll please! The thing about this is that it can seem anticlimactic, as it is not such a big deal, but the consequences are gigantic.
The solution to this whole thing about dominating, controlling and holding power over in
relationships, is to accept that as men and women we are of equal status!
There you have it! Doesn't seem such a big deal does it? Seems so simple. Yet I'm sure when this is in place throughout the world the changes will be phenomenal and there will no longer be any need for dominating and controlling in relationships.
Leo Ryan has been a relationship counselor for more than twenty years.He discovered inequality is a major problem and his focus is How To Have Equality in a Relationship. Go to his website: http://www.TheEqualRelationshipGuy.com and get a Free report about how to solve a common example of inequality in a relationship.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Time To Leave Your Toxic Relationship - Abusive Boyfriend
If you have been with your long time boyfriend who is abusive towards you, then it is time to leave your toxic relationship and stop putting yourself through undeserved torture. You are human, and you have feelings and self-worth. Being with some who is abusive towards you will only kill your self-esteem. You can only put up with the behavior for a certain limit but if it takes place constantly, you are only letting the abuse to break you down bit by bit without you realizing it. A relationship is suppose to be healthy, happy and bring out the best in you.
Time will not change him
One thing you cannot do is to change your boyfriend. Nobody can change anybody and if you try, it will only result to a fight or just a temporary result. However, you can change your reaction towards your boyfriend's abusive attitude towards you. Instead of giving in and letting him walk all over you until he is contented, you can change your attitude and stop him from having control when he starts to abuse you.
Give him a chance
You may think it is brutal to walk out on him just because he yells at you or just hit you. That is still unacceptable and you should find a time to talk to him when he is in a good mood. Talk through about what you can and cannot tolerate and why is he hurting you. If he didn't realize his actions, he will take note of what you say and try to control his behavior. If he threatens you, give you excuses like it was just a small deal and continue to behave like that, then you should remind yourself that he's got his chance and he blew it. You have every right to walk out on him.
Be firm
Maybe you are his object of gaining his confidence. If you have given him another chance but he blew it and is begging you to go back to him, don't soften your heart. In fact, to avoid such a dilemma, you should cut off all contacts from him and don't allow you to pester you and make you unsure of your decision.
A relationship is a two way thing. Besides trust and honesty, respect is crucial for a healthy relationship. It is common for people to lose self confidence, developed self-hatred and have distorted view of their self-worth if they had been affected by an abusive relationship. If your boyfriend is taking you for granted and is hurting you, then it is time to leave your abusive relationship.
Lea Anne helps her girlfriends by playing the role of Aunt Agony to help them by giving out her insights on relationship problems.For more of her write ups on dating and relationship advice, check out Healing From Your Break Up and the list of best guides.
5 Signs You Are In An Abusive Relationship
You'd think it would be simple enough to know if you are in an abusive relationship. Everyone has a clear idea of what domestic violence looks like. Most of the time, they would be right in their assessment - except, perhaps, when assessing relationships that are exclusively mentally, and emotionally, abusive.
Most of the time you would be right in your assessment or whether or not a relationship is abusive except...
When it comes to your own.
There is a widespread, dangerous, tendency to underestimate the importance of mental and emotional abuse. Because a degree of verbal abusiveness is commonplace in our society, it is interpreted as "normal".
In reality, being common doesn't make something normal, or acceptable. Being common doesn't make it any less deplorable. But, on the interpersonal level, we all tend to minimize the importance of bullying, hurtful, or destructive words and behavior.
How does that pan out in intimate abusive relationships?
It means the abused party in the relationship takes the longest time to realize the true nature of their relationship.
Nobody ever wants to believe that "it" has happened to them. The first law of abusive relationships is this: "abusive relationships happen to other people, less fortunate than me, a long, long way from here."
Sign 1
That brings us to the first sign. You spend a fair amount of your time justifying your partner's behaviour to other people, and telling yourself that things really aren't all that bad. Perhaps it's not that bad because at least he doesn't hit you; or, perhaps, he only hits you when he's drunk, or really angry; or, maybe, he only treats you like dirt every once in a while.
And that makes it almost okay... doesn't it?
And almost okay is almost good enough...
Or, at least, that's what you try to tell yourself.
That line of argument is correctly called "minimizing". It requires you to ignore, deny, or underplay the seriousness of your partner's ill treatment. At the same time, you exaggerate his charms, his qualities, and the love you share - allegedly.
(As a general principle, when someone treats you like their worst enemy, it suggests that whatever love there was has become pretty threadbare.)
Sign 2
You feel as if you are walking on eggshells a lot of the time.
Your partner's mood can change, in the blink of an eye. When it does, things get ugly, emotionally and/or physically. Of course, when that happens, it's all your fault. You provoked your abusive partner by overstepping the mark. You know that because he told you so.
In fact, he tells you that every time he explodes. That's why you're walking on eggshells. Somehow, you never manage to get it right for terribly long. If only you could, you would earn his love and appreciation - allegedly.
Sign 3
You've put your own life on hold.
In an abusive relationship, you spend your life trying to please your partner - or, at least, trying not to displease him. The net result is that his feelings, wishes, and responses become much more important than your own.
This is the deal: your abusive partner expects you to fit your life around his. If that means you don't have much of a life, then so be it. As a woman, your most important role is to service your partner. That's his belief, and you tend to agree with it. All you would like is a little acknowledgement, and the occasional sign of affection.
You expect to sacrifice yourself for your children. You see that as normal. It becomes difficult when you have to juggle his needs and the children's.
He has to feel that he is the priority, at all times - which leaves you with no time, or energy, to look after yourself.
Sign 4
You really don't believe you could ever manage without him.
In an abusive relationship, your partner tells you how inadequate you are, over and over again - that's what makes you so incredibly lucky to have him.
That's what he tells you; and that's what you come to believe.
So, you end up disliking yourself as much as he dislikes you. And you end up believing you are as inadequate as he says you are. Which means you end up relying on your abusive relationship for your very survival.
That's why you feel stuck, with no room for manoeuvre, between a rock and a hard place.
Sign 5
You've become a shadow of the woman you once were.
You don't laugh any more. You don't have friends you let close to you - because you wouldn't want them to know what really goes on. Besides, you have probably forgotten how to let someone get close to you.
You're anxious the whole time. Perhaps you abuse food, or alcohol, or feel depressed most of the time. Certainly, you feel drained and empty.
The worst thing is you've stopped dreaming. You've stopped envisioning a future in which your dreams, hopes, and ambitions will ever come true.
You've stopped hoping for pretty much everything - apart from him turning back into the man you fell in love with.
Your life has become an emotional desert. But still you might be asking yourself: "Is this emotional abuse?"
If you recognise the signs, you're in an abusive relationship
If you recognise the 5 signs, rest assured not only are you in an abusive relationship, but it's taken a severe toll on your emotional health. Your abusive relationship has left you feeling weak, worthless, and unlovable. That's exactly what an abusive relationship is designed to do. An abusive relationship exists to satisfy the craving for power and control of the abusive partner. That's bad news, certainly, but it's not hopeless.
Let the 5 signs of an abusive relationship, finally, sound the alarm for you. However bad it's been, and however long it's gone on, you're not too late to get out, get over it, and create a joyful life for yourself.
If you've been stuck in an unhappy, unhealthy relationship, leading Emotional Abuse Recovery Expert, Dr Annie Kaszina, can help.
Annie has given many hundreds of women, worldwide, the courage to make changes in their life, believe in their own value, trust their own judgements, and create healthy relationships for themselves. Find out more and sign up for your free 7 day e-course: "7 Things You Need To Know To Truly Heal" at: http://www.RecoverFromEmotionalAbuse.com
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Emotional abuse and your faith

As a woman of faith, and seeing so many conditions search engine for my blog, looking for answers about how faith and abuse of potentially fit together, you don't need to do a paltry attempt to respond to this point. I was in the 1960s, and by then the society religious dogma taught that a woman has to obey her husband. Even in our marriage vows. I have my Bible, digging around and I scripts that us to tell each other, we want to love one another, to have faith like a grain of mustard seed can find. I had faith. I had a lot of faith. I prayed every day for many years that God would change my husband was married, as a reason to stop the emotional and verbal abuse. This only exacerbated in recent years. Is God not listening? I think it was, and I think he's a kind of divine design, but when you have finished told how useless, fat, ugly and how nobody gives a rat's ass about you, you start to believe it. I've heard words like, "you're going to want to do with two children in tow?" or "do you think someone really so stupid if you want to go?", I mean, I had qualified for the acceptance of women teaching College and decided to give because he convinced me to go and an old maid for the rest of my days. I knew I had smart at some point, but this apparently had disappeared, at least according to what I was told. So, I began to hate myself ... at the point of suicide. Nothing can stop my lasting pain.
Well, put me on a place of disobedience of the other script. You can see, right there in bright red letters that I am love others as I love myself. The fact that I had with me self hatred in the category of sin, as the Church declares it. How can we possibly others if we don't have a certain degree of respect for ourselves?
Emotional and verbal abuse is removed from the dignity of this from our side. Eventually leads us to a point of desperation and without hope there is no trust. So I did what any self-respecting Christian woman do in my shoes — began to pray that God will touch dead. Okay, I've long since repented to such an attitude.
You see, with all the prayers that I prayed, emotional and verbal abuse escalated to physical violence. Pastor preached a sermon about how physical abuse committed by the husband-wife breaks the Covenant of marriage. So, basically, now I understand that adultery is not the only Biblically sound for termination of a relationship. It would encourage divorce. I strongly temporarily relieve strongest Christian koinotarches the risks associated with counseling together the two parties. The woman your revictimizing. It is not stable enough to handle and have no idea what it would get in return. Believe me, there. I learned to keep my mouth shut and constantly threatened with my life as much as you dare open my mouth to speak of what happens behind closed doors.
What do we do with our faith in the Centre of abuse? We hang on to this with all our forces. We believe that God is in control, and in the background for us properly. Find good sound advice (in faith or secular) that fully the complexity of violence and abuse understands. Find a lawyer who has traveled this routes at night and his own way in the light of the renewed hope and restoration of confidence. Develop a security plan and a security code word or phrase with a friend or relative coordinate. More importantly, we understand that the abuse will continue for the rest of our lives is our only option. And just maybe, we will continue to visit this blog and read more posts about the abuse, intelligence and the implementation of our own set of circumstances.
Carolyn is an advocate for domestic violence and sexual abuse awareness, also focused on sexual abuse of children. This is a direction and Empowerment coach, working with victims and survivors of molestation, sexual assault, domestic violence or spousal abuse and training to organizations that try to help the victims. Listen to the interview with Carolyn with Cynthia Brennen, help, hope and healing. "visit everyday health, emotional well-being, website or blog at orangeblossomwishes.com.